Nico & Lola: Kindness shared between a boy and a dog
By: Meggan Hill
I was excited to see this book on the shelf because it reminded me of a series of picture books I LOVED as a kid which featured children and their pets, illustrated with photographs. After reading it I was happy to discover that Nico & Lola is a very sweet story with a very simple and important message, be kind.
When Aunt Sue asks Nico if he,"would be kind enough" to watch her beloved dog Lola while she was away, Nico happily agrees and begins thinking of all the ways he can be kind enough to Lola. Nico takes great care to treat Lola with love and kindness by taking her for walks, sharing food with her, fixing her up when she is hurt, and treating her as he would like to be treated. The photographs of Nico and Lola that illustrate the book enhance the experience of the story and really bring it to life.
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