This site really help my daughter to improve her reading and spelling skills.... Thanks to You!!
Phonics Games
Wild West Phonics Choose from three levels - Medium, Hard or Really Hard. Listen to the word and choose the correct sound to fill the gap. (BBC Schools)
Phoneme PopChoose the group of phonemes (sounds) you want the child to practice. The sound is spoken clearly and the child has to pop the bubble containing the matching sound. Simple, but strangely satisfying, like popping bubble wrap. (ICT Games)
Letter LifterFirst click the lever to start the belt. An object will appear and you will hear the word. Type the first letter of the word. If you get it right you will be able to click on the lift button and the object will be taken away. (ICT Games)
Reading MachinePractice reading cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words with the reading machine. Choose the correct word from the three displayed to match the object on the machine. Click next to go to the next word. (ICT Games)